Current Online Video Content is pleased to provide for our members immediate online access a huge range of video programs and in-services - totalling more than 80 hours of viewing - with more great content added each month.
Some of these presentations are professional recordings of live seminars by high profile educators and some sessions are "fly on the wall" videos of in-services and presentations given by outstanding therapists and professionals - just like you.
Each presentation is broken down into 20-30 minute sections - to allow a good balance between download speed and image quality.
This is a current list of available sessions covering thirty sub sections - available for immediate viewing by you and your team - once you join
Click for full biographies of each mentor.
- Ankle and Foot Assessment and Treatment
- Ankle and Foot Assessment and Treatment - Tim Keeley - 60 mins
- Everyday Foot and Ankle - Craig Allingham - 62 mins
- Fix More Feet Through Foot Mobilization Therapies - Ted Jedynak - 41mins (Click for a detailed description of Fix More Feet - Ted Jedynak)
- Knee and Hip Assessment and Treatment
- Hip and Groin Assessment and Treatment - Tim Keeley - 60 mins
- Knee Assessment and Treatment - Tim Keeley - 86 mins
- Shoulder Assessment and Treatment
- Everyday Shoulder - Craig Allingham - 73 mins
- Shoulder History Taking and Interpretation - Tim Keeley- 40 mins
- Spine and Pelvis Assessment and Treatment
- Lumbar Spine Assessment - Tim Keeley - 120 mins
- The Mackenzie Method - Overview - Tim Keeley - 58 mins
- Introduction to Muscle Energy - Fiona Elliot - 67 mins
- An Introduction to the McKenzie Method - Updated - Helen Clare - 101 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of The McKenzie Method Updated)
- Posture and the Role of Yoga Exercises in Back Pain Rehabilitation - Gerry Rosanove - 86 mins (Click for a detailed description of Posture and the Role of Yoga - Gerry Rosanove)
- Pelvis and Lumbar Spine Stability - 5 Lecture Series (Click for a Detailed Description of Core Stability and presenter Trish Wisbey-Roth)
- The Role of Proprioception in Muscle Control - Trish Wisbey-Roth - 27 mins
- Muscle Imbalances of the Lumbo Pelvis and Hip Region - Trish Wisbey-Roth - 24 mins
- Spinal Stability Grading System - Trish Wisbey-Roth - 24 mins
- Bounce Back Program and Research Review into Exercise as a Rehabilitation Method - Trish Wisbey-Roth - 25 mins
- Retraining Optimal Dynamic Function of the Hip - Trish Wisbey-Roth - 28 mins
- Manual Therapy and Treatment Techniques
- Overview of the Mulligan Technique - Jason Bradley - 40 mins
- Management of Whiplash
- Management of Acute and Chronic Whiplash - Robert De Nardis - 61 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Management of Whiplash with Robert De Nardis)
- Whiplash and the Multi Cervical Unit - Robert De Nardis - 57 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Whiplash and the Multi Cervical Unit with Robert De Nardis)
- Trigenics - Functional Muscle Neurology
- Trigenics - Functional Muscle Neurology - Dr Michael Egan - 73 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Functional Muscle Neurology with Dr Michael Egan)
- Sports Medicine Update
- Onfield Emergency Injury Management - Dr Michael Jamieson - 78 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Onfield Emergency Management and presenter Dr Michael Jamieson)
- Medical Management of Tendon Pathologies - Dr Corey Cunningham - 69 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Medical management of Tendon Pathologies and Presenter Dr Corey Cunningham)
- Introduction to Exercise Rehabilitation
- Knee Injury Prevention- Paul Wright - 106 mins
- Shoulder Injury Prevention- Paul Wright - 100 mins
- Lumbar Spine Prevention - Paul Wright - 131 mins
- Shoulder Pain and Injuries - Specific Exercise Rehabilitation - Adam Floyd - 135 mins
- A Physios Guide to Correct Lifting Techniques and Rehabilitation - Paul Wright - 105 mins (Click for a detailed description of A Physios Guide to Correct Lifting Techniques and Rehabilitation - Paul Wright)
- Rehab Trainer Introduction - Ulrik Larsen - 78 mins (Click for Rehab Trainer introduction - Ulrik Larsen)
- Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention
- Sports Injury Prevention and Sports Trainers Lecture - Jason Bradley - 55 mins
- Advanced Exercise Rehabilitation
- Back and Hip Stability - Francine St George - 30 mins
- Core, Stability, Rehabilitation and Personal Training Using the Swiss Ball - Paul Wright 90 mins
- Rehabilitation Review - Brendan Wright - 30 mins
- Massage and Soft Tissue Techniques
- Soft Tissue Techniques for the Cervical Spine and Shoulder - Francine St George - 34 mins
- Soft Tissue Techniques for the Illiopsoas, Back and Lower Limb - Francine St George - 32 mins
- Piriformis Syndrome - Peter Dent - 30 mins
- An Introduction to the Foam Roller - Robert De Nardis - 34 mins (Click for a detailed description of An Introduction to the Foam Roller - Robert DeNardis)
- Sports Nutrition and Recovery
- Nutrition Essentials for Health Professionals - Shannon Clarke - 60 mins
- Fibromyalgia and Inflammation
- Inflammatory Mediators as a Driver of Chronic Pain - Verona Chadwick - 25 mins
- Fibromyalgia - Fact of Fiction - Verona Chadwick - 35mins
(Click for a detailed description of Fibromyalgia Fact or Fiction - Verona Chadwick)
- Taping and Strapping
- Dynamic Taping - Brendan Wright - 33 mins
- An Introduction to Dynamic Tape - Ryan Kendrick - 22 mins
- Dynamic Tape Lower Limb - Ryan Kendrick - 22 mins
- Dynamic Tape Upper Limb - Ryan Kendrick - 17 mins
- An Introduction to Posture Pals - Ryan Kendrick - 31 mins
- The Better Back Program
- Core Stability and the Better Back Program - Paul Wright - 111 mins
- Dry Needling
- Dry Needling for the Needle Phobic or Needle Inquisitive - Robert De Nardis - 66 mins
- Sports Conditioning
- Bigger, Stronger, Faster - Strength and Conditioning for Rugby League and Rugby Union - Ashley Jones - 149 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Rugby Strength and Conditioning and presenter Ashley Jones)
- Speed, Fitness and Injury Prevention for Netball and Basketball - Ashley Jones - 105 mins
- Building the Physically Dominant Rugby Player - Ashley Jones - 153 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Building the Physically Dominant Rugby player by Ashley Jones)
- Strength Training for Sport - Olympic Lifting Essentials - Ashley Jones and Tom Tombleson - 93 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Strength Training for Sport with Ashley Jones)
- Functional Movement and Biomechanics
- Mobilizers - The Fundamentals - Ian O'Dwyer - 90 mins
- Movement Screening and Injury Risk Assessment in Clinical Practice - Stephen King and Andrew Lemon - 42 mins (Click for a Detailed Description)
- Resistance Training
- Advanced Resistance Training - Paul Wright - 158 mins
- Women and Weights - Paul Wright - 62 mins
- Potentially Dangerous and Ineffective Exercises - Paul Wright 100 mins
- Advanced Exercise Options - Paul Wright - 99 mins (Click for a detailed description of Advanced Exercise Options with Paul Wright)
- The Lowdown on Lunges - Darren Stuchbery - 60mins (Click for a detailed description of The Lowdown on Lunges with Darren Stuchbery - 60 mins)
- Real Time Ultrasound
- An Introduction to Real Time Ultrasound - Francine St George - 30 mins
- Injury Pre-Screening
- Prehab - Injury Prevention Testing for Health and Fitness Professionals Paul Wright - 91 mins (Click for a detailed description of Prehab Injury Prevention Testing and Paul Wright)
- Personal Trainer Pre-Screening Lecture In-service - Tim Keeley - 62 mins
- Temporo-mandibular Joint
- TMJ Anatomy, Assessment and Treatment - Penny Elliott - 30 mins
- Gapscreen
- Gapscreen Pre-Exercise Screening Program - Justin Johnson - 60 mins
- Women's Health
- Women's Health - Real Time Ultrasound, Pregnancy and Support Exercises - Natasha Rai - 30 mins
- Running Analysis and Biomechanics
- Treadmill and Running Analysis - Tim Keeley - 52 mins
- Running Biomechanics - Mark Farrell - 55 mins
- Barefoot Running - Research Review - Richard Smith - 50 mins
- Running Biomechanics - Jason McLaren - 125 mins - (Click for a Detailed Description of Running Biomechanics and presenter Jason McLaren)
- Injury Prevention for Runners and Athletes - David Bick - 81 mins -
(Click for a detailed description of Injury Prevention for Runners and Biomechanics and presenter David Bick)
- Dynamic Assessment of the Athlete - Simon Bartold - 63 mins
(Click for a detailed description of Dynamic Assessment of the Athlete - Simon Bartold)
- CORE Program - Corrective Orthopaedic Rehabilitation with Exercise
- CORE Program Overview - Jonathan Moody - 60 mins
- Senior Manual Therapy and Treatment Techniques
- Spinal Manipulation for Physiotherapists - Jonathan Graham - 56 mins
- Gapstretch
- Gapstretch Program for Massage Therapists and Personal Trainers - Darron Smith - 45 mins
- Computer Foot Assessment Using "Gaitscan"
- Introduction to Gaitscan - 49 mins - Paul Linton at Carlingford
- Gaitscan Additions, Modification, and Data Analysis - 53 mins - Paul Linton at St Leonards
- Gaitscan Analysis and Sales - Grisold, Wright and Bradley - 60 mins
- Orthotic Sales and Lead Generation
- Gaitscan Lead Generation and Conversion Tips - Jason Bradley - 38 mins
- Orthotic Assessment and Sales Inservice - Tim Keeley - (SL) 39 mins
- Lectures for the General Public and Lead Generation Presentations
- Beat Back Pain with Core Stability Secrets - Paul Wright SL - 45 mins
- Core Stability for Personal Trainers Seminar - Stuart Baptist - 50 mins
- Pelvic Floor and Core - Gym Member Lecture - Jason Bradley - 40 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of Pelvic Floor and Core and presenter Jason Bradley)
- Surgery Updates for Health Professionals
- LARS Update - "The Concept of Soft Tissue Internal Fixation" - Dr Jaques-Phillippe Laboureau - 63 mins
- The Business of Health Care
- How to Run a One Minute Practice - Paul Wright - 60 mins (Click for a Detailed Description of How to Run a One Minute Practice)
- The First 20 mins of each of Paul Wrights "Million Dollar Health Professional" DVDs with Paul Wright
- How to Increase Profits from Your Health Care Business - 20 mins
- How to Get Out of Your Health Care Business and Have More Life - 20 mins
- Developing Your Dream Team - Hiring, Firing and Retaining Health Professionals - 20 mins
- Marketing Your Health Business for Maximal Profits - Session One - 20 mins
- Marketing Your Health Business for Maximal Profits - Session Two - 20 mins
- Business Success Principles for Health Professionals - How to Make This Year Your Best Ever - 20 mins

Paul Wright

Francine St George

Robert De Nardis

Craig Allingham

Trish Wisbey-Roth

Ted Jedynak

Helen Clare

Tim Keeley

Dr Michael Jamieson

Dr Corey Cunningham

Darren Stuchbery

Ulrik Larsen

Terry Kane

Ian O’Dwyer

Ashley Jones

David Bick

Simon Barthold

Stephen King

Andrew Lemon

Gerry Rosanove

Michael Egan

Verona Chadwick

Natasha Rai

Brendan Wright

Jason Bradley

Jason McLaren

Shannon Clarke